Спомняйки си Стивън Хокинг

„Колкото и труден да изглежда животът, винаги има нещо, което можеш да направиш и да успееш“ – Стивън Хокинг

Стивън У. Хокинг (1942-2018) will be remembered not just for being an accomplished theoretical physicist with a brilliant mind but also for symbolising the ability of the human spirit to rise and triumph above severe physical disability of the body and achieve what is presumed to be the unthinkable. Prof Hawking was diagnosed with a debilitating condition when he was barely 21 years old, but he showed resilience over his adversities and continued to engage his mind in an attempt to theorize some of the intriguing scientific mysteries of the вселена.

Идеята за черни дупки emerged from Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. The cosmic objects черни дупки– thought to be the biggest enigmas of the known вселена– are extremely dense, so dense that nothing escapes their huge gravity, not even the light. Everything gets sucked into it. This is the reason черни дупки са наречени черни дупки because nothing can escape its clutches and also its impossible to see a черна дупка, защото черни дупки do not emit light or energy in any form unlike all other cosmic objects, they would never undergo explosion. This meant черни дупки would be immortal.

Stephen Hawking questioned the immortality of the черни дупки.

В писмото си, озаглавено ''Черни дупки explosions?’’, публикувано в природа in 19741, Hawking came up with the theoretical conclusion that not everything is sucked into a черна дупка намлява черни дупки emit an electromagnetic radiation called Хокинг радиация, detailing that radiation can escape from a черна дупка, because of the laws of quantum mechanics. Thus, черна дупкаs too would explode and convert to gamma rays. He showed that any черна дупка will create and emit particles such as neutrinos or photons. As a черна дупка emits radiation one would expect it to lose mass. This in turn would increase the surface gravity and so increase the rate of emission. The черна дупка would therefore have a finite life and eventually disappear into nothing.This stuck down the long-held idea by the theoretical physicists that black holes are immortal.

Хокинг радиация was thought to contain no useful information about what the черна дупка engulfed because the information swallowed up by the черна дупка would have been lost forever.In a recent study published in 2016 in Physical Review Letters, Hawking showed that black holes have a halo of ‘soft hair’ (technically, low-energy quantum excitations) around them which might store the information. More research on this could perhaps lead toan understanding andan eventual resolution of the черна дупка информационен проблем.

Any proof of Hawking’s theory? No observational confirmation yet seen in the cosmos. Черни дупки are too long-lived to be observed today at their end.


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Източник (и)

1. Хокинг S 1974. Експлозии на черна дупка? природа. 248. https://doi.org/10.1038/248030a0

2. Hawking S et al 2016. Мека коса върху черните дупки. физ. преп. Лет.. 116. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.231301

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